Having a great resume is an important factor when trying to create a face to face interview. Being in the IT search industry for over 20 years we know what hiring managers, CIOs and CTOs look for in a resume. Here are 10 quick resume tips to help generate an interview.
1. Keep in mind the purpose of a resume
Hiring managers and recruiters use resumes to screen out, not in. On average, hiring managers spend about six seconds per resume. They are looking for mistakes, too little or too much information, and the lack of degree or specific skill set.
A resume highlights your education, experience and activities that are relevant to a job you are looking for. A resume also differentiates yourself from other candidates. One of the best ways to stand yourself out from other candidates is to go through a recruiter. Due to this, we are more likely to generate an interview for you.
2. Customize your resume for each job you are applying for
As you start to apply for different jobs, study the job description as well as to look for various keywords that are consistent. For example, if a job description says a company is looking for someone who has experience in Java developing, rewrite your resumes to focus on your Java developing experience.
3. Bring attention to your achievements
Under the title of the job you hold or previously held, instead of writing the various tasks you did day-to-day, write about a few of your most important achievements. Ideally, these achievements are quantifiable.
For example, if you are a Java developer don’t write “completed a project using java.” Write “was able to complete the project $20,000 under budget utilizing java.”
4. Choose the correct margins
Information should be in chronological order, be aligned correctly, and spaced consistently. You don’t want information overload on your resume. Therefore, leave a margin of no smaller than .5 for one page resume and .7 for a two page resume.
5. Use numbers or characters over writing the words out.
When using numbers or characters in your resumes, use numbers or characters instead of writing the words out. This brings attention to that area. For example, 9 vs nine, $ vs dollar, and % over percent.
6. Consistent font throughout your resume
Use only one font throughout the entirety of your resume. Some great fonts include Times New Roman, Garamond, Verdana, and Arial. Fonts should be no smaller than 10 points as well as not condensed.
7. Choose the appropriate length of your resume
Your resume should be one page with less than 10 years experience and two pages for over 10 years experience. If you have more than two pages, the second page must have a name in the header and enough information to fill at least ⅓ of the page.
8. Use action verbs
Use a variety of different action verbs. Additionally, don’t repeat the same words over and over again. Having variation is key! Check out Use a variety of different action verbs. Additionally, don’t repeat the same words over and over again. Having variation is key! Check out Indeeds list of 139 action verbs to make your resume stand out.
9. Use the appropriate subject-verb tense
Ensure that all the positions you previously held are in the past tense. Back to the first tip of “keep in mind the purpose of a resume”, hiring managers are looking for mistakes. This is a common idea that hiring managers use to look to screen candidates out.
10. Share your LinkedIn Profile
Include the URL of your LinkedIn profile on your resumes. Take the time to make your resume match your LinkedIn profile. Employers will check your LinkedIn page for consistency.